a lot of our daffadills have come up blind this year why and our narsissi
By Johnandrews
United Kingdom
a lot of our daffadills have come up blind this year whyand our narsissi [ THANKYOU]
15 Apr, 2015
I have the same problem. I don' do anything to the leaves and I feed them once the flowering is over and I still get nothing. I was going to dig them up this year and spread them out a bit. This is their last chance. The leaves look great.
15 Apr, 2015
What are your soil conditions like Linda? I always plant ours fairly tightly and, to be honest, we only feed the ones that are in pots far to many in the ground.
15 Apr, 2015
Same thing happened here and i did nothing different from usual - perhaps the weather?
15 Apr, 2015
Hi John and welcome to GoY. Did you by any chance remove the foliage before it had died back or tie it into a knot? The bulb needs the foliage to help make the following years flower bud. It can also help to give the foliage a half strength weekly feed of liquid tomato food once flowering has finished and before the foliage dies back.
15 Apr, 2015