By Dragonfly45
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Help! My daffodils in the front borders have not flowered yet and don't look likely too. They are a few years old, but for the first time this year, early on, I did put down 2" compost as a mulch. Also I think the same thing is happening to the bluebells. I have mulched all the borders and all the other spring flowers have come up. Any answers please.
19 Apr, 2015
What do you feed daffodils with please?
19 Apr, 2015
Any fertiliser with a high potassium content encourages flower formation
19 Apr, 2015
Half strength liquid tomato feed applied weekly once the daffy have flowered is the best to use until the foliage dies back naturally.
19 Apr, 2015
MG...would that help bring a blind daff. Back to flower for next year?
21 Apr, 2015
It might Karen, other things to consider are whether you planted you bulbs deep enough in the ground and whether you removed the foliage whilst it was still green, both of those can cause blind daffodils.
22 Apr, 2015
I ask because there are some bulbs here that were here when we arrived and they are mostly blind, so i might give the tomato feed a go. Thank you. :)
22 Apr, 2015
A lot of people seem to have "blind" daffodils this year. Make sure you feed them well now, so they build up food stores for next year, and don't cut the leaves down or tie them up.
Bluebells are only just starting to flower, so give them a bit longer.
I don't think your mulch would have done any harm.
19 Apr, 2015