By Garywhite
United Kingdom
firstly thanks to all who answered my question regards sowing flower seeds to be more specific the seeds I sown were marigolds petunias coreopsis and pansys they are under glass and in my potting shed as before do you think I should bring them indoors at night time I live in Aberdeen thanks to all
21 Apr, 2015
Gary if you are staying with Goy best put Aberdeen on your profile ready for next time!
21 Apr, 2015
Hi have a nice selection,and I agree with Mg..still bring them in at night,especially as you live so far point taking a chance,after all your efforts ..good luck..just to say,if you ask another question at some point,you can add your reply in the box at the bottom of your Question.,so everyone who has left a comment wil see
21 Apr, 2015
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« thanks for all the replys I should be more specific regards sowing seeds so here...
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They should be fine in the potting shed Gary.
21 Apr, 2015