By Lilal
United Kingdom
Over the years I have tried to plant flowers in pots in my small garden but every year something seems to eat the heads of the flower they seem to leave the stem and greenery and just cut the heads of what can this be and how do I resolve it this year
24 Apr, 2015
aphids of some sort? what type of flower?
can you put in a photo?
24 Apr, 2015
if its just flower heads that are going then the prime suspects are:
rabbits, pigeons, squirrels and deer. [not in any order]
which flowers and when in particular.
24 Apr, 2015
Hi, welcome to GoY, as Sbg says, these are the main suspects, as for it being aphids, they drink the sap, they're not capable of nipping flowers off the stems, Derek.
24 Apr, 2015
Snails can do this as well, they rasp through the stem and the flower falls off.
24 Apr, 2015
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What type of flowers have you previously tried? Is it a certain time of year that the flower heads are nipped off?
24 Apr, 2015