By Bobedwards
United Kingdom
could anyone tell me what type of pine this is as always all help appriciated

26 Apr, 2015
I'd say as whatver variety it is its much too close to the neighbouring shrub and probably to the house. Would advise you to move it now before its got settled in or you may have to cut it down in a few years.
26 Apr, 2015
Hi, I would agree with Pamg, Pinus sylvestris 'fastigiata' which has a height of about 25ft, and a spread of 3-10ft, so is definitely to close to the house, and what looks like a Yucca, but if it's the standard P sylvestris, it will grow to 50 or 100 ft, with a spread of 20-28ft, so I would follow Steragram's advice, and move it while you still can, Derek.
26 Apr, 2015
ok all ! thank you very much
29 Apr, 2015
I'm wondering about Scots pine....Pinus sylvestris?
its a huge tree although there is i think a dwarf form
26 Apr, 2015