By Urbanite
United Kingdom
Autumn Snowflake. Does anyone have autumn snowflake, Acis autumnalis, in their garden? I'm considering getting some to boost the year-round interest in my little patch but the blurb says it needs full sun - which I don't have.
27 Apr, 2015
Yes, a neat little plant for a rock garden or alpine trough. Probably not suitable for shade.
27 Apr, 2015
Thanks. Looks like that is off the list then.
27 Apr, 2015
I grow it in a raised alpine bed but it is still barely noticeable when in flower.
27 Apr, 2015
Not exactly the biggest flower there is either. I grow it in the Alpine house where it self seeds around, but the flowers are only half an inch across and the whole plant is only 6 inches tall.
27 Apr, 2015