By Andreag
United Kingdom
Hello, someone told me there are roses that don't lose their leaves. Are they having a joke at my expense or are there some varieties that don't shed their leaves?
29 Apr, 2015
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David Austen has it there are evergreen 'hedging' roses as they tend to describe ramblers - in reality, you won't find one truly evergreen on the site. Most of the ones that MAY retain their leaves in a mild year are actually rambling types, closest to wild roses, but at best, you could only describe them as semi evergreen. Rosa banksiae is listed as semi evergreen - I've never yet seen it retain a single leaf. Personally, I don't think its a bad thing that they lose their leaves, given that so many are riddled with black spot and mildew, it can be a relief once they're gone...
29 Apr, 2015