By Slc1
United Kingdom
Having just acquired an allotment. Can anyone advise me on any good tips, as I am just in the planning stage? Also what is recommended to plant now? Seeds/plants? Being new to this any comments/suggestion would be very much appreciated..
On plant
Novice Allotment Advise..
19 Jul, 2010
Hi Sic1 and welcome to GoY if the allotment has been worked until recently click on my avatar and go to last blog which is on growing with the moon in July. This will give you info on all the veg. you can plant now - you don't have to follow the moon dates. July is actually still a good month to sow lots of veg. You can actually keep sowing some crops into August!
19 Jul, 2010
Thank you for the response. It is a new allotment ie first time for growing on the plot. New plots that have been extended. Have weeding to do, fencing to put up, plans on what to grow etc. No shed, this is what I am thinking about at the minute. Water tank at the front of my plot which is fantastic. I have a greenhouse at home, so plan to perhaps start things off here then plant out at allotment. It is a matter of what to grow. Perhaps to keep it simple to start with ready for winter, veg that you mentioned. Manure... mmm have to see if I can get hold of some! Guess it is just going to be trial and error!!
19 Jul, 2010
Thank you very much MOON GROWER! Wow that is really interesting, I will look more into this, as at a first glance seems a bit complicated.
19 Jul, 2010
You're welcome Slc!
20 Jul, 2010
Hi Slc1 can give you loads of tips but need more info,is the allotment in good condition? has it been worked recently? have you got a greenhouse on it ? or a shed with water butts ? did the previous owner use manure regular ? have you got a manure bin or compost bins? can you get manure ?at this time of year its a bit late to grow much for this season but you can start loads of stuff for winter- spring, cabbage, cauli, leeks if you have a greenhouse ,most of our crops are being harvested now for the freezer,peas,french beans,broad beans, broc, cauli,1st carrots are ready for pulling ,early spuds are out and drying ready for storing,same with the onions,you probably want to grow everything at 1st until you find what does well and what you like best,good luck its not easy, can be hard work at 1st and loads of setbacks but you will enjoy it.
19 Jul, 2010