By Joooolz
West Midlands, United Kingdom
I may possibly have been torturing my poor cacti. I thought I had done something wrong and weakened it and it wouldn't hold its own weight so I put it in a frame. Then I came across a photo on Pinterest of an identical cactus growing along the ground. Could someone please help the poor thing?
- 29 Apr, 2015
I don't know why it grew like that unless it was left facing the same way for a long time and grew towards the light, and then got turned round. However it looks healthy so no need to worry. there will be nothing you can do now to straighten it up though. Hywel would be the one to confirm this but he hasn't been around for a while.
Incidentally it looks rather large for that pot and would probably benefit now from being moved to a larger one - use cactus compost which you can buy in quite small bags.
29 Apr, 2015
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Hopefully Hywel will see this question and help you, if not you could send him a personal message.
29 Apr, 2015