By Daffodils
United Kingdom
All the new growth on the forest flame and died is there anything wrong with the plant ?
2 May, 2015
Thankyou bloomer for your advice.
2 May, 2015
You are welcome,Daffodils..I'm going to leave them on for now,and cut the burnt leaves off,when all danger of frost is over..they might protect the new foliage underneath..whether that will work or not,I will have to wait and see..
2 May, 2015
Its so annoying isnt it, we had no frosts during March and most of April and then frost after frost after frost. Those tender shoots suffer.
2 May, 2015
It's very annoying,Dawn..It's going to be a while before seedlings and tender plants will be able to go out,if it keeps up like this..they might be permanently in the cold frame !
2 May, 2015
I know Bloomer. We cannot risk not getting a frost where we are until the end of May.
3 May, 2015
I would like to say thank you again to Bloomer and Dawnsaunt for the messages sent . I do hope that the frost is over , and that all our gardens come back in to life soon . Some plants look they can't make there minds up if winter is over or not . Lets hope so so we can all enjoy your gardens .
7 May, 2015
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No,Daffodils,it's the overnight frosts this past week,that has burnt the new tender red foliage.Mine are the same,..It will recover,when more new foliage appears,and the last of the cold nights have finished.
2 May, 2015