By Daff
emigrated from Yorkshire to Kent in April 2004,
United Kingdom
Can anyone give me any advice on how to look after a Blue Poppy Meconopsis. I've just bought another one which has 2 flower buds. They don't seem to last with me, how do I look after them, what kind of soil, can I grow it in a pot. If I manage to keep this one, i'll buy you a bottle of something :) x
Thanks, Gail
2 May, 2015
Thank you Derek :) It says that it's a (Meconopsis Baileyi) It doesn't tell me if it's a perennial or not, in fact it tells me very little. Can I keep it in the greenhouse in winter? it will be heated. Basically, i've got make sure I don't get it too wet and make sure I don't let it dry out. I would gladly give you a bottle for any help.
Gail. x
2 May, 2015
Hi Daff, Meconopsis baileyi, is the new name, {since 2009} for M betonicifolia, which is the 1 I first mentioned, it is a perennial, but as I said above, can be short lived, I wouldn't keep it in a greenhouse, it's fully hardy and wants to grow to about 3 1/2ft tall, give it the conditions I've described above, and a 2-3" mulch of bark chippings, or well rotted leafmould, or composted pine needles in spring, and you should be successful, although they can be a bit difficult to grow, so best of luck, Derek.
2 May, 2015
Actually, Derek, 'baileyi' is the original old name for betonicifolia and has now been corrected.
Meconopsis are Himalayan plants that thrive in moist, cool conditions in an acidic, humus rich soil and can only be considered as very short lived, as in one year, plants in the south of England.
In our north of Scotland gardens we grow them as long lived perennials.
2 May, 2015
Hi Bulbaholic, I knew that it had been discovered by colonel F M Bailey in 1913, but I have always known it as betonicifolia, I have just had a look at the Meconopsis organisation website, which gives some very useful information, Derek.
3 May, 2015
The first requirement for blue poppy is that you plant it in acid soil. If you don't you're doomed to failure.
3 May, 2015
Your problem is going to be heat Gail. They love Scotland for its cool damp summers. But good luck! Bulbaholic is quite right...they last a lot better up here, but even then they aren't often long-lived in my garden. Such beautiful plants!
3 May, 2015
P.s. You emigrated in the wrong direction! Lol!
3 May, 2015
It is all very complicated, Derek, and I think that the Mec. Group are as confused as most of us.
3 May, 2015
You're right there Bulba, lol, who said gardening was easy!!!!, Derek.
3 May, 2015
Think I'll take it back or move :) Thanks for all your help.
Your right cottagegarden, it's suprising how many plants don't like too much sun.
Gail x
4 May, 2015
Previous question
Hi, do you know which species you have ?, they can be annuals, biennials, or deciduous or evergreen perennials, the perennials can be short lived or even monocarpic, M betonicifolia,{tibetan blue poppy} can be short lived, while M grandis can be monocarpic if they're too dry, and M horridula is monocarpic.
They should be grown in humus rich, leafy, moist but well drained, neutral to slightly acid soil, which is open enough to prevent stagnation and rot in winter, in partial shade, with shelter from cold drying winds, give them a good mulch, and water in dry spells in summer, Derek.
ps, no need for a bottle, lol, Derek.
2 May, 2015