By Sallybarker
United Kingdom
In April this year I planted three bush roses called 'Francis Perry'. Up to now there is no sign of any buds, although the roses look green and healthy. They are planted in front of a wall and get maximum sun during the day. Is this normal for new roses?
19 Jul, 2010
I was the same Sally with a bush I got and no buds at all showing. Then all of a sudden I counted 30 out of nowhere. Also got another bush that like yours is showing no buds but is green and healthy. Like Nicky said, its probably settling down ready for a big show next year, Well it better! lol
19 Jul, 2010
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blooms getting smaller and smaller. Is the plant finished? »
Thay are probably just settling in and will flower next year, if the bushes are green and healthy then theres no problem really.
19 Jul, 2010