By Peterathome
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Wilkinson today were selling Dahlia Begonias and spring bulbs at half price.
I purchased some the only thing was some of the sprouts on Begonias are quite long should I remove the long ones?
2 May, 2015
Thank you Pamg I think I will pot them up and see how they go.
5 May, 2015
I'd pot them up asap then see, they really need to start putting down roots, the shoots are i think using the energy stored in the corm
if you think they would break when you handle them you could shorten them but taking them off may be too much of a shock....knowing Wilko i guess they've been stuck on a rack in a warm store with no natural light, I'd keep them indoors , cool windowsil ? And give them some TLC
3 May, 2015