United States
besides forming on the new lateral shoots that begin growing everywhere during/after a Wisteria flowers, do new/ next years flower buds also form on the current years flowering raceme? After the flowers fade and drop off and seed pods form and mature isn't that raceme completely done? If so, can the current raceme just be pruned off where meets the branch now or later?
3 May, 2015
I had a beautiful flowering wisteria in my last garden. I made sure it had flowers on it when I bought it so that I knew it would flower again soon which it did the next year. I seldom pruned it except to break off the long trailing stems or to remove the odd branch that was in the way.
I know it's supposed to be pruned annually around August but my wisteria was covered in blooms every year so I decided it if ain't broke don't fix it.
In my new garden I, again bought a wisteria with a flower on it. This year? No flowers at all and I'm wondering if the mild winter had anything to do with it. Or perhaps I overfed it earlier this year.
I know I haven't answered your question but you might pick up a tip or two from what I've said.
3 May, 2015