By Paulr999
United Kingdom
Tea leaves
Is it only roses that benefit from their use ?
Can earl grey tea be used ?
What properties/benefits do they provide ?
19 Jul, 2010
And can one use coffee grounds for anything other than the compost heap? I was told they are good for chives....
20 Jul, 2010
Coffee grounds are quite good for acid loving plants. I have no idea what benefits there could be from using tea around rose bushes, or in fact, any other plant. The only benefit is likely to be that you've got rid of your tea leaves, that they'll be recycled by breaking down in the soil, and adding (though only very slightly) to the humus levels in the soil, and the water they're sitting in provides a drop of moisture. Other than that, there is no direct benefit to plants.
20 Jul, 2010
Oooops - sounds like what I had heard was just an old wives tale then ?
Thanks for the responses
22 Jul, 2010
coffee for magnolia fantastic ..... thanks alison
23 Jul, 2010
My mum used to chuck them under the grape vine. I don't know if it made any difference.
20 Jul, 2010