Flowers on Plumbago
By Taylor
United Kingdom
I have a plumbago growing in my porch in a tub. The leaves seems very healthy but for the second year there is no sign of any flowers. We cut it right back last year as we rebuilt the porch.The porch is sheltered but not completely enclosed. The plumbago stays green nearly all year unless we have an easterly wind then the exposd parts die off. I have been feeding it ,perhaps not as early as I should but it dioesnot seem asi f we will get any flowers this year either. Can anyone advise please.
4 Aug, 2008
I have two of these one is in full flower the other just starting, they have had equal treatment, and are same size, . Patience is needed. I have no\explanation. but try giving a potash feed.
5 Aug, 2008
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Well, this is the second year in succession that we have not had much sun, maybe that's something to do with it?
5 Aug, 2008