By Urbanite
United Kingdom
Clematis Mayleen - does anyone grow this variety? I've been given a nursery plant and it's very pretty little pink flowers and bronze leaves. But I looked it up to see which pruning group it came into and a couple of descriptions suggest that it is a bit rampant - one site describes it as 'the mile-a-minute clematis'.
It's a lovely gift from an old friend but I just fear for my sanity if this is as vigorous as these descriptions make out. I'm going to struggle to find a suitable site for it - may have to break ground for it by the front door.
5 May, 2015
Thanks LG - I really like it but this is a lesson in keeping one's mouth closed. My friend 'remembered' that I had said that it was nice when we were at a nursery last week and translated "that's nice" into "I want one of those".
It doesn't work when I point out a nice Porsche or Ferrari (or even a 2CV).
6 May, 2015
It's a Clematis montana and it's just as vigorous as other montana varieties. It looks stunning on my fence but has covered several metres of it. I'll post a picture when it comes into flower, which will be soon!
5 May, 2015