By Lindsay84
I have a fence along one side of my house and Id like to add some privacy to block out the neighbours terrible overgrown yard. I was thinking of planting knockout rose bushes but how long does it take for them to reach their full height of approximately 4 feet? Are there any other suggestions as to what to plant? The fence is quite long...45 feet (post to post is 8 feet). I can't let anything climb the fence unfortunately bc it will not withstand the weight. Thanks!
6 May, 2015
I'm a little confused - what height is the fence currently and what type of fence is it? And would a plant that only reaches four feet actually block out any view at all? Do you not really need something up to six feet rather than four? What about width - is there enough room to have something that gets, say, 5 feet wide as well as high?
A photograph would be useful, otherwise, more info as requested, plus which USDA zone you're in.
7 May, 2015
Looking at your photo, have you considered double lapping the fence - ie fixing another set of palings over the gaps between the existing. This creates a solid fence and will cut out the view.
7 May, 2015
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Rosa rugosa is tough and makes a lovely hedge, and it grows very quickly. I think mine was up to 6 feet in the first season - of course, you can trim it lower.
7 May, 2015