By Dianebulley
United Kingdom
Several people have sent in pictures of difficult or unsightly fences. Alys Fowler on T/V just now showed a fan trained Gooseberry which covered up this problem. It was pruned June and December. The gardener in charge said to cut off tips of branches which encourage aphids and sooty mould which I experienced when growing single stem Gooseberries.
7 May, 2015
The pictures on T/V showed a single Gooseberry completely covering the fence, right to the top. I presumed it only had the one root. It was only about one foot thick. Very well
Have never seen this before.
8 May, 2015
Works well - I've grown cordons against a garage wall and fruiting was heavy and easily picked. Brilliant suggestion Diane. You can do the same with redcurrants and the new growth comes up and hides the currants from the birds to a large extent.
7 May, 2015