By Loisking
United Kingdom
I have a small front yard facing north west that I'd like to put a large pot in and grow a statement plant, possibly structural, in the pot. I am not a good gardener so the plant would need to relatively self sufficient and hardy as I have nowhere to bring it into at wintertime. I would like it to look good all year as it is at the front of the house, any ideas?
Thank you for reading.
7 May, 2015
Or for something quite different have a look at Pieris Forest Flame too. Its evergreen and has red spring foliage and white flowers. It can grow tall eventually but is easily kept to the size you want. It needs ericaceous (ie acid) compost, which is easily obtainable at garden centres. Depends how much space you have for it to spread out really. But like any other plant regular watering through the summer will be essential.
7 May, 2015
You may need to bubble wrap the outside of the pot over the winter, frost can kill the roots through the sides of the pot on cold winter
7 May, 2015
Surely better to mix soil with compost though? We don't know what sort of soil Lois has and it may be haeay clay that would go solid.
8 May, 2015
I wouldn't recommend garden soil either - you can always use John Innes No 2 or 3 so you get a good loam, which is much heavier than multi purpose - better for permanent shrub type plants anyway.
8 May, 2015
The reply that recommended soil seems to have disappeared? i didn't know you could delete replies after the edit option disappeared _I've wanted to do that sometimes - can anyone tell me please?
8 May, 2015
Trachycarpus fortunei, a hardy palm, unless the area is very windy - the tips of the leaves go brown in windy areas. Plants in pots will need watering from spring through to autumn, whatever you choose.
7 May, 2015