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Nasty looking things in my garden

Cardiff, United Kingdom Gb

I have notice some very nasty looking things in my garden, can anyone tell me what they are and how to get rid of them please?
First one is, some dark green slimy stuff that appears when it has been raining, when it dries out it goes crispy and I can pick it out, but it keeps coming back
Secondly is the large grassy looking thing growing under my flowering currant bush "Ribes" It had broad leaves and some pendulous yellowish flowers that if you touch seem to emit dust, I don't remember planting anything here and wonder where it came from, help please if you can !

Yucky_stuf_in_garden Yucky_stuff_in_garden_too



Slime mould. Not really a major problem only unsightly. Use a fungicide on the path.
The grass looks like Carex pendula, which is a real thug at self seeding all over the place. The yellow stuff is pollen. Dig it out.

8 May, 2015


Hi, agree with Owdboggy, Carex pendula, it should be made illegal to sell this as a decorative grass, it's just a weed, Derek.

8 May, 2015


That looks like another tuft of it growing in the edging stones. If you let is seed last year it will soon be popping up all over the place. Its hard to dig out deet rooted when it gets bigger.

8 May, 2015


Oh thank you so much people, I will get it sorted this weekend! You are all so clever xx

9 May, 2015


Hi Owdboggy, I have looked into the slime mould and it turns out it is Blue Green Algae and a little devil to get rid of. It seems a few people have problems with it especially if they have limestone chippings. I have tried to dig out the Carex Pendula, with no luck, so I have sprayed it with Resolva 24 hr weed killer, so I hope that will allow me to remove it, thanks again people x

12 May, 2015

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