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Deadheading Roses


By Scotkat

Angus, Scotland

When and how to dead roses please?

Should I prune or just take pettles off by hand.



Hello Scotkat
Cut them of with secatears or sharp scissors if you dont dead-head them they tend to set into rose hips and this takes a lot of energy out of the plant.
So when the petals fall one snip thats all.

Best Wishes

4 Aug, 2008


When flowers start to go bad, then dead head! Cut down to the nearest tiny bud -slanting away from it so that rain drops don't rest on it. When I'm dead heading -providing there are new buds waiting to open, I just take off any flowers that are fully open......even if they're not going bad, because they've seen their best, and now the plant is just concentrating on keeping them alive and producing the seeds underneath. So, by taking them off, the plant will just use it's energy on producing more lovely flowers! Happy gardening :)
P.S. For the best looking bush, remember, when you're pruning to try and keep it in a vase -V shape!

4 Aug, 2008


Thank you Kev and G my dear dad was aroses man since he passed away two years ago cant ask him for rose advice.

Thanks again.

4 Aug, 2008


Sorry for your loss, Scotkat. Agree with the above comments but would add that cutting back about a good 4-5" behind the flower will encourage a possible second flush later.

5 Aug, 2008

How do I say thanks?

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