By Mollymuddler
United Kingdom
Aaaaargh!!!! Does anyone have an answer to squirrels? I planted 100 double Red Riding Hood tulips just after Xmas to look forward to this spring, and within a week all the planters had been emptied, compost up the house wall etc etc. I could not get replacements, but got some single RRH and some double earlys and attached chicken net over top of planters to prevent the little b!!!***!!!s getting at them. This seemed to work, and, as they grew I removed the netting to allow the broad leaves to come through. The Red Riding Hood have been in flower a week, and the double earlies just about to come out, and this morning I come out to devastation! Flowering bulbs have been dug up and the bulbs eaten off the bottom. I USED to like squirrels but not now. They can't possibly be hungry, just lazy, and are treating me like their local MaccieD's!!! I have a Fen trap but have not had the courage to set it yet, the spring is quite strong, and I am reliably informed it is illegal to catch live and 'deposit' elsewhere. I have tried garlic as a deterrent, that doesnt help. Have heard if you mix with daffs, which they DON'T like, they get bored and leave alone, but I think these devils are really clever.
Any reliable ideas anyone??
11 May, 2015
Had the same problem, but on a much larger scale where the little darlings dug up and ate approx 50,000 crocus and 8,000 species tulips at work.
Apparently, Squirrels don't like chilli powder/flakes so it might be worth trying that.
11 May, 2015
plant something you do like that they don't . work with nature . can you imagine living in the wild scratching for a living then coming across to them is a huge larder ? over population and habitat deplecian are all due too greed . we don't own the planet it owns us .
11 May, 2015
What about putting out an alternate food source for them? Our bird feeders are regularly visited by squirrels who pay no attention to planters full of bulbs close by.
11 May, 2015
see that's the problem if vermin are something that spreads and destroys things and takes everything for itself like rats , squirrels , crow family , rabbits , pigoens and last but not least bye far humans that ironicly brought all these creatures to wear they don't belong then maybe culling is right ? I wonder do you eat the squirrels ? andip has the best idea .
11 May, 2015
I agree wih chilli flakes and wire netting!
11 May, 2015
well yes that too pamg
11 May, 2015
Try chili flakes - or only grow bulbs they don't like eating. They don't seem to ever dig up Alliums or grape hyacinth. I haven't planted crocus here in my corner of London for over ten years - got fed up with constantly feeding the squirrels, because that's what we were doing whenever we planted them. Last time I grew them without any problems was more than 15 years ago.
You could plant crocus as well as tulips in hopes they leave the tulips alone - they seem to prefer crocus bulbs, so maybe they'd just eat those instead. They don't like daffodil bulbs - but they're clever creatures, likely to dig up all bulbs and just pick the ones they want.
11 May, 2015
Vacuum Cleaner Fluff. That works for me. I empty my vacuum cleaner around my bulbs - no squirrels in sight. Works especially well if you have a dog or cat. The scent of people or predators repels them.
12 May, 2015
That's interesting Bathgate, wonder if it would deter rabbits?...
12 May, 2015
good thinking and the dust goes up there nose too .
12 May, 2015
Many thanks everyone for all your advice. Vacuum cleaner fluff sounds a good one, plenty of cat hair in this house, sadly as they are house cats because of the road they don't act as a deterrent as don't go out. I will also try a solar powered motion sensor security light where they raid which may help (or ay least alert me to their presence and I can have a good holler!!). Have tried chilli flakes, AND garlic, they don't help either,trouble is we have had a couple of mild winters so they have increased local population. We don't do bird feeding around here as there is plenty to be had in wild locally, and it is my belief you undermine their resourcefullness. Neighbour used to put out sacksful of food until ratman told him rats were climbing the bird table, and he must stop. My sister suggested looking in other peoples gardens locally to see it the tulips turn up where they have been buried. Americans say squirrels generally forget where they put about 20%!!! I am still trying to work out how this site works, so forgive me if I don't thank you individually, I haven't worked out how to yet!!
12 May, 2015
Its fine to just answer on here we are all notified when another comment is added under ours so you are in fact replying to us all....Simples as the Meerkat says
I just feed the birds until the weather improves, they seem to slow down eating and forage for themselves....better for the babies I think....
12 May, 2015
Previous question
A gun! Have no mercy.
11 May, 2015