By Kadear
United Kingdom
On one of my potted 1 year old fuchsias I found several cocoons, one of which looked like a large silvery-white slug. I forked it off and a small woodlouse-like creature crawled out. Unfortunately I destroyed it as it looked so horrible. I had last visited the greenhouse 48 hours before so they were quick workers.
11 May, 2015
Sounds like vine weevil (look on google images) . Nurseries who have, and sell plants from, infected by these are in trouble! Avoid buying from them, or tell them and see if they deal with it. It is a major problem to control in nurseries who have to try different measures, including nematodes, to deal.
12 May, 2015
Definitely not vine weevil - they don't pupate like this, they remain in the soil until they emerge as adult weevils.
12 May, 2015
Previous question
« I'm thinking of buy a sarcococca and planting it in a pot. This isn't a plant...
Pupating larvae about to turn into moths or butterflies in the next few weeks by the sound of it. At the caterpillar stage, still moving around, they will have been there for some time, you just didn't see them.
11 May, 2015