By Pammie
United Kingdom
When is it Ok to put in my garden my RunnerBeans . They are growing ' madly ' in my Greenhouse
13 May, 2015
MG, just sat down for the evening, and couldn't make my mind up today, whether or not to cover up the first wave of my newly-planted runner beans. You have put doubt in my mind so I've just gone out into the garden and covered them up.
13 May, 2015
Not knowing where you live in the UK good idea Jimmy
13 May, 2015
If you want to plant out a few a bit on the iffy early side you can make individual cloches for them from clear plastic bottles with the base cut off. Leave the cap off for ventilation. They will be protected from cold winds and late frost. If you leave them on too long they'll be difficult to remove without damaging the bean though. Worked well for me.
13 May, 2015
Thanks to all repays .I live in North Cambridgeshire
14 May, 2015
Never hurts to cover them with fleece overnight Jimmy.
14 May, 2015
You 'might' get away with it Pammie but I'd hold off for another week yet.
13 May, 2015