By Whatsaplant
United Kingdom
I have a couple of questions for members today!
1. I have a couple of 4-tier mini greenhouses. They have the usual plastic covers. But what about fleece covers? Some users say to fit them inside the plastic cover, others to fit them outside. My basic thought, when obtaining fleece covers for the first time, was that they weren't much more substantial than paper. So I put mine under the plastic cover. After all, frost, rain, hail, snow weren't likely to enhance durability. However, with the fleece cover under the plastic cover, it just seems to fall apart. It may be that the plastic is concentrating the effects of light. So which way around is best? And how long should I expect a fleece cover to last?
2. And my second question is about plant markers in the garden. What I have used for some time is T-shaped plastic markers. But these have problems. Initially, the writing, using 'permanent' marker, wears off. Then light, possibly sunlight, seems to affect the plastic. Markers just fall apart. And there doesn't seem to be any consistency. Sometimes they last, sometimes they don't. The thought I have had is slate markers with a white pen. But they are expensive and I'm a pensioner. I can't afford to buy such items on the off-chance. What is the best for durability?
19 May, 2015
You can get very cheap white plant labels from pound shops or Asda/tesco for a few pennies. I always use a pencil as pen always fades/comes out in soil.
Fleece does not last long after getting wet for long periods. I only use it when frost is forecast and dry it out before storing.
19 May, 2015
I've also found that the weather causes plastic plant labels to deteriate and break into pieces. I use any bits of white plastic from throw-away containers. Margarine tubs are good, but a bit thin, some white plastic bottles like those that contain bleach are good. Just cut them into label size pieces and write on them. Use pencil as ultra violet rays from the sun seem to affect permanent markers causing the writing to fade.
21 May, 2015
Regarding your 2nd question, just buy ordinary plant labels and write on them in pencil as this will last longer than pen.
19 May, 2015