By Janet50
United Kingdom
What can I plant to grow along a northwest facing open fence that backs onto an open field. ? It gets sun all day but can be windy and cold. I live in the Scottish Borders. I've tried clematis but sadly lost 2 this winter as it has been very windy and cold with frosty nights!
21 May, 2015
Depends how much planting space there is, but most climbers (other than, possibly, Ivy) won't tolerate those conditions, so a row of freestanding shrubs which will cope is probably best, as Botanic suggests. Candidates include Caragana, Berberis varieties, Ilex (holly) varieties, Prunus laurocerasus.
21 May, 2015
Caragana? Can you tell us more, I had to look it up as I've never heard of it in the UK.
23 May, 2015
Caragana, rarely seen, tough shrub, pretty yellow pea type flowers, likes full sun and well drained soil, so not so good in waterlogged, heavy soil. Very wind resistant.
23 May, 2015
Previous question
I would put up a shelter belt of tree and shrubs before trying anything else. Wind is worse for plants than frost.
21 May, 2015