United Kingdom
Hi all, We've had a philadelphus which has been in the same spot since even before we moved here in 1986 and which has a wonderful fragrance. Over the last few years though it has been doing less and less well - less growth, fewer flowers - probably because of increasing shade of trees. We'd like to move it to a sunnier spot and would welcome advice about how and when to do it, any precautions to take - any tips and wrinkles in general please! Gadabout (and Mrs Gadabout)
20 Jul, 2010
If you google 'philadelphus pruning 'it tells you very clearly there to prune off flowered shoots to one third length and 1 in 3 old shoots to near the ground. If this is done each year it keeps the bush tidier, as it gradually spreads and gets out of control. We eventually got rid of one that hardly bloomed.
21 Jul, 2010
Previous question
The root system is likely to be as big as the bush, with a really deep tap root, so it'll probably be one heck of a job to dig it out, and to dig a big enough hole for it in the new place. Don't try to move it at this time of year, spring is the recommended time for this. You'll need to cut the branches back by about 1/3 and keep the bush well watered for quite some time after moving.
I think a better plan would be to take some cuttings from the original bush. They root really easily - a neighbour gave me some "sticks" from her Philadelphus last year, I rammed them into a shaded piece of ground and about half rooted with no fuss or bother, or extra care or attention. They just grew.
20 Jul, 2010