By Andrea
United Kingdom
Should my hydrangea have buds on it by now? It`s looking very healthy but no sign of any flowers developing. I don`t think I had any flowers last year either.
1 Jun, 2015
Did you prune it last year? Pruning at the wrong time will cut off the flowering shoots for the following year. You prune in spring, just taking out any really old stems and cutting off the dead flower heads.
This applies to mopheads and lacecaps - those that have flowers like lilacs can be cut back more severely as they flower on the current year's shoots. Hope ythis helps.
1 Jun, 2015
I've got the first hint of buds on one of mine - nothing yet on the others, so I wouldn't be too worried yet in Yorkshire. But as Steragram says, you might have pruned out the flowering wood.
1 Jun, 2015
Only very lightly pruned in Spring and took off the old flower heads that I had left on over winter. Will just have to wait and see.
1 Jun, 2015
Mine had no sign of buds two weeks ago.
1 Jun, 2015
Im in east yorkshire and my mopcap is only just showing the hint of buds. Annabelle nothing yet. so it could just be slow. you pruned it correctly too. patience my dear :o)
2 Jun, 2015
Annabelle's pruned differently though - mine's nowhere near flowering yet but the mopheads are in bud.
2 Jun, 2015
I only deadheaded Annabelle as I'm hoping to get a decent sized bush this year, and I noticed this morning there are hints of buds in her too. :o)
4 Jun, 2015
Its hard to strike a balance isn't it, if the stems on yours are as weak as on mine - the flower heads are too heavy for them. I'm trying to increase the length of the stem gradually, hoping they will thicken up.
4 Jun, 2015
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Both of mine are full of buds, so something isn't right with yours. Did you cut it back to ground level? New growth that comes only from the ground is a bad sign that the hydrangea will not bloom this year.
1 Jun, 2015