My knockout roses are just getting going here in Michigan. Getting lots of buds but the leaves are being eaten and look skeltized. I cannot see any aphids or any type of bug at all. What could it be and is there any type of organic sprays to use or make myself. Soon there will be the worst bugs ever, the dreaded japanese beetle which does the same thing and they literally destroy all the leaves just like this is. I used neem oil on them last year which did not work. Any advice would be appreciated.
4 Jun, 2015
Thanks Bathgate. I will go out at nite and hopefully see what's going on because it is so strange to not see any insects but have the leaves eaten leaving just the skeleton. I had roses 25-30 years ago and never remember having any issues. These roses are new to me as of last year. And while they are beautiful and bloom till fall it was a problem for the entire summer with the Japanese beetles. I need a roses 101 course I guess :-)
4 Jun, 2015
That's why I'm thinking night critters. You'll find him or them.
4 Jun, 2015
Between white fly and JB the only roses that do well in my garden whithout being drenched weekly with pesticide are the plastic and paper ones. Thats why I removed them from my garden.
5 Jun, 2015
lol! I just have wild roses and they never have problems. It's always the cultivars.
5 Jun, 2015
....sigh...they are hard work aren't they?...but so beautiful! I'm just starting to get the dreaded blackspot now, and no chance of spraying anything in these dreadful winds. hope you can solve it Michigan!
5 Jun, 2015
Permethrin or Pyrethrin sprays work wonders and are deadly to all insects (and fish) but are otherwise harmless to the environment. Avoid spraying it by a pond, or on flowers, or use late evening when the bees aren't around and they will be safe.
6 Jun, 2015
My hunch is that this is a night critter. Go out at night with a flashlight and see what's eating your leaves. Then you can deal with it. Sounds like the work of caterpillars, snails or slugs. A pic would be helpful.
Are you thinking about the "Asian Long horned beetle?" I thought they like to bore into the trunk and eat the sap. You need to find out what it is in order to treat it.
4 Jun, 2015