By Daff
emigrated from Yorkshire to Kent in April 2004,
United Kingdom
I have 3 beautiful Roses in tubs. When they're in full bloom they tend to hang down as the flowers are very heavy, is there anything I can buy or do I have to put canes in for each Rose.
Thanks. Gail
8 Jun, 2015
What varieties do you have? Ramblers and climbers will need something to climb up and you can provide additional support to stems by loosely tying them to the support.
If you don't want to use canes, you could try proper plant support rings, but they would be better put in place early in the year so that stems can be fed through as they grow.
8 Jun, 2015
I think it's the particular cultivar. As stated above, not much you can do. The genome of the plant is coded to do this- inferior stems.
8 Jun, 2015
Thank you. I have only one with a name, it's called (Teasing Georgia)
I'll have to look up on pruning, it could be that.
Thanks again. Gail
9 Jun, 2015
Some roses do this, so it might just be the particular variety you've got, but sometimes its poor pruning technique - when pruning is done (usually late February/early March, if they're not ramblers) its usual to cut off anything that's thin and weak, so if you're not doing that and those stems flower, they're not strong enough to support the flowers. As I said, depends on the rose variety - which you've not specified.
8 Jun, 2015