By Splinter
United Kingdom
I planted a tree photinia about 2 years age and it is now looking very sad. Although it has flowered this year, the leafs are now drooping. Help?
I planted the photinia in a 36" x 36" hole and used gravel and compost mixed with earth and the drainage seems OK. My soil is heavy (London) clay below about 18" of top soil.
14 Jun, 2015
It might just need watering - London has been quite dry, and I noticed today in West London that the grass is turning brown on the Common, a sure sign we haven't had enough water.
14 Jun, 2015
Are all the leave dropping off? Although Photinia is an evergreen it will still lose old leaves and replace them with new ones. I would just give them a good mulch and water lightly and see how it goes. As it is now a fairly large plant, I would have thought it would have coped with any excess water due to the heavy clay nature of soil.
14 Jun, 2015