By Jonah68
United Kingdom
Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' a white surface roughness on leaves. It's not sticky. The leaves have a gold appearance. What treatment can I apply?
On plant
Eleagnus pungens Maculata

15 Jun, 2015
Normal, the newer leaves do have a sort of 'bloom' on them, often described as 'silvery scales'. I take it the shrub is otherwise growing healthily?
15 Jun, 2015
It seems like an infection on all leaves, but yes, the plant is growing well.
15 Jun, 2015
It looks completely normal to me - if you look at the older, variegated leaves, you can't see the bloom on the yellow, paler parts, but its still visible on the green bits. If its any comfort, I've grown this myself and it looks exactly like this...
15 Jun, 2015
Thankyou for the swift replies and comforting answer. It just does not look like it should to the untrained eye. Hopefully my partner will be happy and not pester me to "look it up on the WWW!"
16 Jun, 2015
When I first started gardening for other people years ago, I came across one of these shrubs - it was early in the year, and it had tiny new leaves, and all were gold, as if they'd been sprayed with gold paint. I spent a week trying to find out what could possibly be wrong with it and after another 3 weeks, the gold effect disappeared and the leaves looked like yours do... a good learning experience for me, for sure!
16 Jun, 2015
Nothing, not necessary. A photograph to confirm would be useful, but if you're talking about new leaves, they do start out gold - they almost look as if they've been sprayed with gold paint.
15 Jun, 2015