By Cindymurray
United States
How can I find a plant called iresine herbii aka aureoreticulata aka a chicken gizzard plant?
On plant
no botanical name
- 15 Jun, 2015
If you say which state you are in then a USA member might be able to point you in the right direction. Google the name with the name of your state and you should fins suppliers there. You might try googling Dave's Garden Irisene herbstil and there are three suppliers named on at least one thread.
16 Jun, 2015
Previous question
« what shall I do about die back on my acer. It's about 12 years old and 8ft high
It's Iresine herbstii - in the UK (zone 8) its a summer annual or a houseplant. Depending where you are in the States, you might find it in the houseplant section of a garden store somewhere, or have a look on line.
15 Jun, 2015