South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
We have a well established vibirnum- eve price which has, over the past couple of years, developed black spot. Can this affect a rose which is in the same bed and what can I do to eradicate it.
Also- and I know everyone is plagued by slugs and snails- what is a humane way of getting rid. I do go round the garden picking them up but doubt if this is curing the problem.
22 Jun, 2015
The Blackspot which affects the Viburnum is a different type to the one which affects Roses, so no cross infection. However, the conditions which favour the growth of the fungus will be the same for both and so it is likely that the Rose will get its own form, eventually.
Spray with a Systemic fungicide.
When you think that a garden of not too large a size disposed of over 250,000 snails in one year with no visible sign of a lessening of numbers, I doubt that there is any way of getting rid, humane or otherwise. We use scissors!
22 Jun, 2015