By Dollybelle
United Kingdom
This year I have planted some seedless tomato seeds and although they flowered well, all the flowers are now dropping off without forming tomatoes. Some other tomato seeds I planted at the same time are doing alright. This is the first time in about 50 years I have had this problem, is it because they are seedless. Any suggestions please.
24 Jun, 2015
Hi, welcome to GoY, this question has me puzzled !, if they're 'seedless' tomatoes, where did you get the seed from ?, Derek.
24 Jun, 2015
Exactly my thought Derek... guess it is some weird hybrid.
24 Jun, 2015
Some tomatoes are grafted, but I never had seedless. I'm only guessing.
24 Jun, 2015
were you sold the seed as being seedless? usually seedless forms eg grapes are treated with a hormone to reduce seed formation. I too am intrigued.
it is causing self extinction which doesn't make biological sense.
24 Jun, 2015
I've never grown a "seedless tomato." Do the flowers lack pollen? The bees could be avoiding it for some reason. Try hand pollination using a small & clean paint brush, cotton swab or something to transfer pollen to the flower.
24 Jun, 2015