By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Diascia 'Denim Blue'
I saw two of these plants the other day and had to have them...I think the colour is so unusual. I'm sure some of you have experience of growing them....any do's and don'ts that you would advise? They are not planted in the ground...YET!
23 Jul, 2010
I have diacias here and they are such good value for money plants, lots of colour for a long time too :-)))
I have mine in thin poor (alkaline-neutral) soil, some south facing and some west facing - i don't know of them to be a fussy plant so you should be fine with them.
23 Jul, 2010
Thank you, Louise. Thin, poor alkaline soil is where they are going! LOL.
23 Jul, 2010
Well !!!
We share the same soil ;-))
23 Jul, 2010
So privileged...aren't we? LOL It's actually alkaline-neutral so I have to use ericaceous compost, sequestrene etc on acid loving plants of which I am very fond! S*d's Law!
23 Jul, 2010
I avoid acid lovers now because i can't be bothers with all that 'fiddle'.
I was given a camellia and an azalea and they're in pots - which isn't ideal because always forget to water them - oddly, they're doing fine ;-)
24 Jul, 2010
They are quite large.... lots of blooms now.
23 Jul, 2010