By Daddy9
United Kingdom
My friend has a Peony which flowered for the 1st time last year but again no flowers this year. does anybody know why please
I have no idea how old the plant is & its in full sun all day
29 Jun, 2015
If you don't want to lift them, you can usually just clear away the earth from over the tubers (and a little way clear of them)
29 Jun, 2015
thanks all have passed info on to my friend
12 Jul, 2015
Hi, when the foliage has been cut back in autumn, can you see the tops of the tubers ?, if not, it's planted too deep, you should be able to see the tops of the tubers, they need to get cold to induce flowering, lift and replant at the right depth in october, and you should have no problem getting flowers every year, Derek.
29 Jun, 2015