By Daisygarden
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
These are in my friends garden and she would like to know what they call them any helpers out there? many thanks

6 Jul, 2015
Portulaca grandiflora. An annual that is easy to start from seed. It is also called Rose Moss.
6 Jul, 2015
I'll grant you that. Portulaca they probably are. Not something I grow is my excuse.
6 Jul, 2015
These really were easy. I would sprinkle the seed in a pot, mist, and a month later there were little plants to thin out. Like most of this type, they won't open fully without the sun.
6 Jul, 2015
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« Naughty Cecile! I planted a rose 'Cecile Brunner' whose label described...
Lampranthus forms.
6 Jul, 2015