By Trevmass
United Kingdom
Have you any idea why my dwarf apple tree has suddenly died.2weeks ago all was ok.then ,when we came back of hols.this it it now.
Son watered plants when we were away

9 Jul, 2015
Thanks for the reply.
It's not in a pot.
All the wild flowers,and the dwarf plumb tree,that is just out of the picture,approx 6ft from apple tree are all doing well.can u think of any other reason.
Or do u think it's still the water
9 Jul, 2015
How long have you had the tree, or how long has it been planted?
Is it completely dead all the way down - peel back a bit of bark covering low down - if its brown and dry inside, its a goner.
9 Jul, 2015
Hi bamboo
Planted it just b4 Xmas.
Nice green leaves and blossom,this spring,it has a lot of tiny apples (pea size)
The little apples have not fallen off,just nearly all the leaves,leaves that have not fallen off are brown.
Have looked at bark,and that's ok ,nice and white under bark and moist
9 Jul, 2015
Keep it well watered - any tree or large shrub needs plenty of water in its first two years, and that often means you need to give it a few gallons once a week up to November, sometimes, if October's dry and warm. In the hot weather we had, it would have needed that twice a week - it looks as if its suffered heat stress, basically. So long as its not dead all the way down, it may yet recover. Bear in mind its always better to water copiously less often rather than going round with the hose by hand and watering every night.
9 Jul, 2015
Thanks a lot for your help.Will do as you say,and hope it recovers.
9 Jul, 2015
Can't tell if its in a pot or not, but the most likely explanation is, if it is in a pot, it would probably have needed watering at least daily with a good soak, if not twice a day when the heatwave was on last week - so, insufficient water.
9 Jul, 2015