By Bumble_bee
United Kingdom
Hi there my small pond has now a green pea colour and there is 2 small frogs there.I am not sure how to sort this problem?
11 Jul, 2015
The green stuff is living on the chemicals in the water. when they have used it all up the water will clear - but it may well be next year so be patient. If you change the water you'll have to start all over again. Baley straw is supposed to help clear it. I tried it but would have needed several lots to clear mine so am just biding my time.
The frogs would not be there if the water was unhealthy.
11 Jul, 2015
the green is healthy so not a problem . if you want it clear put a lilly in it .
12 Jul, 2015
It also stops the water from evaporating in this hot weather which they keep telling us we are having.
12 Jul, 2015
My bird bath also has a thick green film on it. The birds don't seem to mind.
12 Jul, 2015
I don't think the lilly helps much in the first year though- I have quite a big one and mine is still green - better than it was earlier on though.
12 Jul, 2015
Previous question
Hi Bumble Bee and welcome to GoY. If this is a new pond I would expect there to be problems with the colour of the water as to the frogs... lucky you!
11 Jul, 2015