United Kingdom
ridolfia difficulty in growing? ive tried twice with this umbelifer my friend too it will germinate eventually grow to 3" and stop growing plant never seems to develop and bolts at one foot high

12 Jul, 2015
in seed divided seed trays until i can put them in a cold frame outside which is often late i guess they are not pricked out being in individual pockets
12 Jul, 2015
They resent disturbance, so its good you're not pricking out, but, they are a tap rooted plant, so plant each seed in a 3 inch pot next time - and don't disturb the root when you plant outside. Don't leave it too long in the pot either - it needs to get its taproot as large/long as possible. You might be interested in reading the following:
13 Jul, 2015
thanks for that seems like perfectly good advice
13 Jul, 2015
would the same go for annual poppy's?
13 Jul, 2015
Poppies also have a tap root - best to prepare a seed bed outside and sow in February - they need light to germinate though, so don't bury them. Seeds are usually too small to just put one in a 3 inch pot.
13 Jul, 2015
Difficult to answer, need more info, you haven't said how you grow them and what conditions they're planted in.
12 Jul, 2015