Costal plants
By Verety
Isle of Man
I'm in need of advice for some plants to grow in containers outside my front door. They need to withstand strong Easterly winds, Sea spray, (the sea is 15 metres away) and quite high rainfall. Any suggestions?
5 Aug, 2008
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Here are some suggestions for you of shrubs that tolerate coastal conditions - Buddleja globosa, Escallonia, Fuchsia magellicana, Hebe x franciscana, Hydrangea macrophylla, Olearia nummulariifolia, Spartium junceum, Tamarix ramosissima and tetranda, Eleagnus macrophylla, Eleagnus, Rosa rugosa. Obviously, some of these would be better in the ground - but there may be something there that suits you. I hope so. I have a few perennials on my list if that would be better for you. Let me know, and i'll continue the list!!! .
5 Aug, 2008