By Dragon72
United Kingdom
I have just got my lillies to flowering stage and they look lovely ,but the ones in the front garden are being attacked by a black beetle type bug could you tell me how to get rid of them thank you
17 Jul, 2015
Or perhaps pollen beetles? They are small and black and impossible to get rid of.
17 Jul, 2015
The pollen beetle is unsightly but, as far as I know, does not do any damage to plants.
17 Jul, 2015
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« "Pussy Willow" I had a bouquet of flowers a while back and in it there...
Black beetle? If you mean the lilies have yukky black deposits on them, they're the offspring of the Lily Beetle, which is actually bright red. You need to keep a close watch on the plants earlier in the year to catch and kill the beetles before they get a chance to lay any eggs.
17 Jul, 2015