By Santiagoali
United Kingdom
I have a fountain in my garden around which bluebells grow each spring. I wold like to know which plant I could use the would grow after the bluebells have flowered. I would likeanannual plant that returns each year. Does anyone have a suggestion please?
17 Jul, 2015
I'd say go for something with strong foliage that will hide the bluebell leaves once the flowers have gone.
My go-to plant - hostas. The foliage will, generally, start to come up as the bluebells are flowering and will be well-grown by the time the bluebell's are looking less than perfect. Depending on the size of the fountain, I'd probably go for some big varieties such as First Frost (also later flowering), Wide Brim and Blue Mammoth.
A picture of the bed and fountain (with some idea of the size) would be helpful.
18 Jul, 2015
A photo would be good, but we also need to know whether the area is very sunny or very shady. If you know which way it faces (north, west, whatever) that would be good to know too, and what part of the country you're in - some plants are hardier than others, so there's a difference between, say, living in Scotland or the North, and the West Country or down south.
18 Jul, 2015
You may find this article helpful
It suggests some companion planting:
Dryopteris filix-mas 'Crispa Cristata' and 'Grandiceps Wills'
Himalayan forms of Dryopteris wallichiana (Wallich's fern)
Milium effusum 'Aureum'
19 Jul, 2015
If you want one to flower each year you need a perennial not an annual. A photo of the bed would help a lot to give you good advice.
17 Jul, 2015