By Gnarly_gnome
Kniphophia aka Redhot Poker
I grow several and the top 2 inches / 5.08 centimetres
don't develop and look dry and spoil the look of the plant , is this typical as my "Bees Sunset" does this or what causes it ?
19 Jul, 2015
No, its not typical of Bees Sunset - I can't think what might cause this but for one thing - shortage of water as the flower spikes form and grow and start opening. The plant, if short of water, may not bother to form the flowers at the tip properly, or will sacrifice them after they've formed. The other possibility is nutrition related - they do like a good topdressing of composted manure, and certainly they do respond well to this, because it increases the soil fertility and makes it more moisture retentive.
19 Jul, 2015