By Rhodachan
Hi, the leaves and flowers of my lovely impatiens cockatoo are wilting suddenly. I can't find anything wrong, no bugs, no mildew. What should I do now? Please advise. Many thanks.
19 Jul, 2015
have you overwatered it? plants can wilt if too wet too.
Any chance of a photo?
19 Jul, 2015
</p><p>. Thanks for your prompt replies, Bathgate and Seaburngirl. It is a new plant I got a few weeks ago. It was placed in a west facing window with afternoon sun. It was fine for the first 2-3 weeks but all of a sudden it wilted. I thought it was too much sun so I moved it to a shady area and started to water it in the next couple days. What is the next step to save this plant now? Many thanks!
19 Jul, 2015
trim away any dead foliage & keep soil moist but not muddy.
19 Jul, 2015
</p><p> I will follow your advice and try my best to save this lovely plant. Thank you, Bathgate!
19 Jul, 2015
Knock it out of the pot and check the roots for any grubs feeding on them. Then repot and remove foliage etc as Bathgate suggests.
19 Jul, 2015
Going by what you are describing, this could be a fungus which is causing root rot.
20 Jul, 2015
Where is it located? They can only handle moderate sun or bright shade.
19 Jul, 2015