By Nanwilson
United Kingdom
Can somebody help me with a name for this plant ? I got a root from a neighbour - looks a bit like a michaelmas daisy but seems to be a creeper ALSO does it attract cats ? Because 2 came on my step within 10 minutes of me putting it there

20 Jul, 2015
The cats might have been attracted by the faint aroma of manure - that tub your plant is sitting in seems to have had some kind of manure in it, from the words on the front. Poultry manure, does it say, can't see the first word properly.
20 Jul, 2015
Thank you both so much - a great help xx
21 Jul, 2015
That looks like Seaside Daisy, Erigeron glaucus. It's not aromatic so I wouldn't have thought that it would attract cats.
20 Jul, 2015