By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Tree Peony I bought beginning of this year, it had one flower and has not put on any growth at all since, its in good compost, I dug a hole out and refilled it with compost before planting, in half shade half sun. Anyone any ideas please?
24 Jul, 2010
OK thanks for advice, will do all you said
24 Jul, 2010
Personally, I would have mixed some compost with the soil rather than digging a hole and filling with compost. Hopefully you haven't created a sump for water if your soil is heavy.
24 Jul, 2010
I hope your tree paeony survived. As Fractal says if you do dig a hole it is a good idea to break up the soil in the bottom of the hole to allow water to seep away. They do not like being moved and do take a while to settle in and start flowering.
9 Feb, 2011
Tree Peonies take a while to get going but when they do they can put on several feet in a year. Have you watered regularly and did you plant in good rich ericaceous compost? I'd also mulch to top dress.
24 Jul, 2010