By Cissie66
United Kingdom
any good ideas to deter CATS!
24 Jul, 2015
Get your own cats, they will keep neighbours cats away.
24 Jul, 2015
Hi, after many years of trying, I have come to the conclusion, that the only way to keep cats out, would be to enclose the entire garden in a wire netting cage, including a top, the other way is a shotgun, but that would be illegal, Derek.
24 Jul, 2015
water pistol....never fails.
24 Jul, 2015
Relax and accept that cats are part of life... they do far less damage than most folk think.
24 Jul, 2015
I got wrong for giving a perfectly good and permanent way to get rid of cats last time I answered this question – And I don’t want to feel the wrath of the angel force again lol ;)
25 Jul, 2015
I was waiting for you to say it Triffidkiller....
Just out of interest would you do the same to next doors dog if it kept doing things on your lawn?
25 Jul, 2015
Just seen DianeBulley's blog today, have a look. She's found a remedy that works.
25 Jul, 2015
I still got the wrath -- and in answer to the question -- Yes I would -- because if people can not control their animals they don't deserve to have them -- and I would take the owner to court for allowing it to do it in the 1st place
25 Jul, 2015
I wonder what you would have done the day some cows got out and walked across our front lawn...steak for dinner??
25 Jul, 2015
Sorry Triffidkiller but your reaction doesn't solve anything! On a loch near where we live recently a female Diver with a chick killed 3 Mallard chicks, which she perceived as a treat to her chick... So do we shoot the diver? No we don't we accept that this is nature... Frankly the only thing out of control on this planet us humanity... Get rid of us and everything else would work out a way to survive together!
25 Jul, 2015
MOON GROW - I was not out to solve anything – I answered a question with a remedy – that would work permanently to cure the cat problem – Why don’t you all just answer the questions in your own way and let others answer them in theirs – We all have different ways of looking at things – So just start to live in the real world which just happens to be cruel at times
26 Jul, 2015
And shooting any animal is NOT a solution Triffidkiller... perhaps you should move to the US were they seem to have gun laws which would allow you to do so!
26 Jul, 2015
MOON -- So I suppose you are going to inform the abattoir that shooting animals is not a solution i.e. Captive bolt killing of cows - Horses electrocution on sheep - Pigs the electrocution of chickens and other birds for your dinner - Or even get in touch with the Asian people about their Hal Hal slaughterhouse were they just turn the animal upside down in a casting barrel - and cut it's throat - tell them to go to the USA were they will not have to listen to people who can not see further than the front door -- Hope you like your Joint on Sunday with your dinner that will probably have been shot -- Live in the real world
26 Jul, 2015
Still you have to remember that a cat is someone else's property - in so far as cats ever are - so killing one is a sort of theft, and even if you think this isn't quite true its loss can cause a great deal of grief. A dog owner is legally responsible for restraining his animal from damaging other folks property but a cat owner is not. As there appears now to be an effective deterrent let us hope that the problem arises much less often in future.
26 Jul, 2015
A cat is also not legally coved by law -
27 Jul, 2015
No reason for shooting it though. It is still someone else's property. If their washing blew into your garden you wouldn't I hope rip it up and bin it, and losing a sheet wouldn't cause anything like the heartache of losing a loved pet. Anyway i rest my case - no point in arguing.
27 Jul, 2015
Hi I have a rambling rose and when I prune it I use the branches, I lay them on the border, also a big stone here and there and the same with some broken slate .
Hope this helps.
24 Jul, 2015